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The Associate Vice President of Human Resources has been designated by the President to receive complaints from Employees, Former Employees, and Applicants for CSU employment who wish to report alleged Improper Governmental Activity.
Executive Order 1115 (article II, § G) defines Improper Governmental Activity, reportable as a Whistleblower Disclosure, as activity that:
Executive Order 1116 - Reporting Procedures for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California Whistleblower Protection Act.
CSU Executive Order 1115: Reporting Procedures for Protected Disclosure of Improper Governmental Activities and/or Significant Threats to Health or Safety.
Complaints are encouraged to be submitted in writing to the Appropriate Administrator designated by the campus President. Complaints may be submitted at the campus level or at the CO but must be submitted no later than 12 calendar months after the Complainant knew or should have known about the alleged Improper Governmental Activity. Complaints may be submitted using the EO 1115 Complaint Form, or may be submitted in writing, orally, or anonymously but should include the following information:
To make a Complaint to the CSU Administrator, contact:
Monica Ponce
Associate Vice President, Human Resources
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Welch Hall, 340
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747
Phone: (310) 243-3771
To make a Complaint to the CO, the Complaint must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor, should be marked “Confidential” and addressed to:
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
Equal Opportunity and Whistleblower Compliance Unit
Systemwide Human Resources
Office of the Chancellor
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802
Complaints may also be sent via email to
You may also file a complaint to the State Auditor by contacting:
California State Auditor
P.O. Box 1019
Sacramento, CA 95812
Fax: (916) 322-2603
Whistleblower Hotline: (800) 952-5665
California State Auditor does not accept complaints by email, but you may file a complaint online.
CSU Executive Order 1116: Reporting Procedures for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California Whistleblower Protection Act.
The CSU prohibits Retaliation by any Employee of the CSU against Employees, Former Employees, and Applicants for CSU employment for having made a Protected Disclosure.
Retaliation against an Employee, former Employee, or applicant for CSU employment for exercising any rights under this EO is considered a separate issue and is covered under Executive Order 1116, titled Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California Whistleblower Protection Act. Whistleblower Retaliation complaints may be filed with the Appropriate Administrator designated by the President, a supervisor/manager, or the Chancellor’s Office (see contact information above). The Retaliation Complaint must be received within 12 calendar months of the most recent alleged act of Retaliation.
Whistleblower Retaliation complaints may be submitted using the Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form and must be submitted in writing and include: